Welcome to the New SunnyDayReal.Estate!
September 2, 2015
Hey all,
Welcome to the new SunnyDayReal.Estate! As we all know, Sunny Day Real Estate is currently once again defunct, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a website fit for the 21st century anymore. My name is John D and I made a Sunny Day Real Estate website back in the late 90’s called “In the Blue.” The band eventually adopted “In the Blue” as their official website around the time The Rising Tide was released. After the band broke up (for the second time), I created the official Fire Theft website. I also created a site called The Art Conspiracy with Dan Hoerner that lasted the better part of the 2000’s. Years later I found a smidgen of free time and revived a half-assed version of In the Blue which I then also took down because I knew I could do a better job. Eventually.
So here we are now and I am essentially my own boss with my own web application company, Orpheus Applications. I’ve been cutting my teeth on a lot of more recent web technologies and styles, and since, like most old emo kids, I’m a sentimental fool I figured what better way to get some practice in than making a new SDRE site just like when I first started making websites in the 90’s?
Any news you find on this site will likely be straight from the horse’s mouth as I’m still in touch with some of the band members today. And they’re all still keeping busy. Click here for more about that.
In the coming days I’ll do my best to bring back some of the old content, including fan-submitted guitar tabs and more. In the Blue was always a very community-centric website and as such I welcome any and all contributions to site content you may have. Please feel free to send it to me via the contact form. I currently am in need of any high-resolution imagery of album art or the band, you wouldn’t believe how rare that is.
John D
Friendly Neighborhood Webmaster